We all know that a system “buy build or change” decision is rooted in solving a problem or taking advantage of an opportunity. So why not just build or buy and ask the user / problem owner to test if he is happy? Right? A quick problem solved?
Here’s the reality of systems. It is a system. An interconnected mass of tables, databases and screens recording transactions of a myriad of nature’s, making your life heaven or hell. A system is in the end a creation of an ecosystem. This is our starting point to understanding the role of the BA…our navigator, our messenger.
The cycle of testing new changes to be introduced into an IT system needs to mirror the phases of approval and development that the change request has gone through.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the final stage of testing, where the user and functions who requested the change now test the solution to ensure that it meets their original business requirements. Our experience has shown that users who requested the changes to the IT system are often reluctant to participate in the UAT and we are often asked the question, “Why can’t the developer or the Business Analyst perform UAT?”
The answer to this question is that the Developer has already performed his own set of tests and documented the results. These tests are not sufficient to meet the requirements of UAT though. The tests completed by the Developer ensure that the changes made meet the technical requirements of the system and any architectural requirements.
The role of Business Analyst in the change request process is that of Steward. The BA documents the business requirements as described by the Business Process owner and translates these into Functional requirements for the IT system. These functional requirements include any changes in functionality that are required. The BA then works closely with the Developer who translates these Functional requirements into Technical specifications and then completes his system development to meet these technical requirements. Once the Developer has completed his testing, the BA then completes their functional review of the change before working with the end user to complete User Acceptance Testing.
UAT must be completed by the Process Owner. The UAT testing cycle is not limited to only testing the change to be implemented but also the impact of the change on the entire business process supported by the IT system. While the BA might know the business processes being tested as well as the Business Owner, the BA cannot take accountability for the testing as they are not the owner of the processes.
The Business Analyst is responsible for documenting changes to the Business processes as well as Functional changes made to the supporting IT system. They facilitate the Change process from start to finish and ensure that all Testing is completed to the correct quality and standard required by the Organisation.
The Business Process Owner is responsible for testing the change as well as its impact on the full business process and signing off the change and authorising its implementation into the Production or Live system once the testing has been completed successfully.